Monday, 8 February 2016

Multiple Intelligences

In class we've been learning about multiple intelligence's and Howard Gardener's theory. Howard Gardener believed that the idea that intelligence was based on I.Q was incorrect. There are eight multiple intelligence's. Linguistic, musical, naturalist, bodily kinesthetic, visual and spatial, interpersonal, intrapersonal and logical/mathematical.

Linguistic - Word smart
Musical - Music smart
Naturalist - Nature smart
Bodily Kinesthetic - Body smart
Visual and Spatial - Picture Smart
Interpersonal - People smart
Intrapersonal - Self smart
Logical /Mathematical - Number/ Reasoning smart

We also grouped ourselves in 4 P's. Peaceful, playful, powerful and precise. You could be a blend between powerful and playful, powerful and precise or precise and peaceful.
I was a blend of playful and powerful.